Evaluate the HondaJet while receiving high quality training to ATP standards.

– David DeCurtis, ATP HA-420, B-737

What an awesome experience!

I am so happy to have done the flight with David because it allowed me to understand the capability of the HondaJet. I love my Citation Mustang and have flown it for such a long time that naturally I am a bit worried switching to a new platform, but David managed to take those worries away. We were able to accomplish all the things that I wanted to do. I cherish his true love for aviation and his incredible competence in the cockpit as well as his depth of knowledge about the airplane. 
Whilst it’s not his job, he would make a great instructor – very patient and he will give just the right hint in the cockpit to learn and improve. 
I had a wonderful time and really recommend flying with David. 
– Karsten Schroeder

I was so impressed and loved every second…NO, really LOVED every second!….

I jumped on the opportunity to experience the WONDERS of the HondaJet with David. We flew 2.0 hrs, did many of the things you would do in a type rating. We did steep turns with and w/o ESP (stability protection), we did PWR on/off stalls, upset-recoveries, ILS, RNAV, visual approaches and more.  He is a PATIENT and KIND instructor and a GEM of a person to share his passion for aviation with an emphasis on SAFETY and competency. I was so impressed and loved every second…NO, really LOVED every second! I would love to continue training with him. Way to go DAVID, AWESOME day!!! When can we do this again!!!   – Dr. Michael Seidman

I’m still “high!”

I’m actually jittery as I write this just thinking about what an awesome experience I had with David.  I stepped into the cockpit knowing basically nothing and at the end of the day I was operating the plane myself.  I found David to be extremely knowledgeable, caring, and friendly.  I don’t know of any other opportunity to fly in a Hondajet and the experience doing so with David couldn’t be any better.  Highly recommended!  

Fantastic Experience Flying With David

First of all, I can highly recommend flying with David.  In fact, I’m still flying high after the “transitioning to a jet” mission we planned and flew last week.
David is an excellent educator, coach and mentor.  He has a calm, pleasant demeanor and is open, engaging and has some of the highest number of hours in the HJ and HJ sim of all pilots.  He was able to quickly assess my skill set and capabilities, which in turn made me even more comfortable to make the transition as seamless as possible.  During one flight with David, I felt confident to perform all tasks he gave me, including stalls, upset recoveries, route planning and take offs and landings.  Not only did I learn a ton, but it was FUN!”
 – M-L Skafte


Type Rating Prep

A day of training that starts and ends at Orlando Executive Airport with legs to Sebring, Venice Beach, and Ocala. The day includes 1 hour preflight briefing, 30 minutes on the ground in-cockpit with Honda’s implementation of the G3000, 2.0 hours of in-air time including maneuvers, upset recovery, stalls, 2 VFR uncontrolled airport landings, and 2 instrument approaches to landing. After the first two legs, we break for lunch at – Sharky’s On The Pier.

$9,800 All-inclusive

Request a Session

To schedule a session, please send an email to david@flybeforebuy.com. Please describe your pilot experience and primary interests in, and concerns about, the HondaJet. While I can customize the day to meet your goals, I cannot transport you anywhere. Your day will start and finish at Orlando Executive Airport.

My Mentors

Tim Frazier – the world’s most experienced HondaJet pilot in-type. Tim has circumnavigated the globe many times in the HondaJet with Honda Aircraft CEO, Michimasa Fujino.

in 2017, I flew 50 absolutely awesome hours with Tim before going for my Type Rating. Over 1,500 hours of HondaJet flying since then, I still channel Tim on every flight.

Edward Covington – an excellent HondaJet mentor and contract pilot with an eclectic background in aviation starting from childhood. Edward instructs in a variety of turbines including HondaJet, of course, and is also an expert aerobatic instructor. If you are not already a turbine pilot, once you make the decision to buy, fly with a mentor like Edward. After over 100 hours flying with Edward (50 before and 50 after my Type Rating), I highly recommend him for both mentor and contract pilot services. You can find Edward at MILSPEC JET TRAINING.

Karl “Otis” Rauch – a A320 Captain at JetBlue Airways and a former a US Navy FA-18 Strike Fighter Pilot who specializes in single pilot jet flight instruction for owner/operators.

Karl has 2600 tactical hours logged in the military including and two combat duty deployments to the Persian Gulf. He was an FA-18A/B/C/D instructor pilot, a graduate of the Navy Fighter Weapons School (TOPGUN) Adversary Course, and an Adversary Instructor Pilot.

Flying with Karl is simply raising the bar. Wow, I could listen to his preflight briefings for hours. Just a wealth of knowledge and experience that is good to be around. You can also find Karl at MILSPEC JET TRAINING.

Scott Glaser – Senior Vice President of Operations at Flight Research and a former Flight Test Engineer for Virgin Galactic, SpaceShipTwo & WhiteKnightTwo, and the USAF F-22 Combined Test Force.

I thoroughly enjoyed flying with Scott during my Upset Recognition & Recovery Training (URRT) at Flight Research – I highly recommend the program to any turbine pilot that wants to gain a deeper understanding of flight dynamics and the impact on upset recovery – the number one cause of fatal accidents in turbine aircraft.

I can thank Scott for my callsign “The Fonz.”

William “Billy O” Oefelein – a NASA Spaceflight Medal recipient with 309 hours of experience in Space. Enough said!
It was a tremendous pleasure to fly with William during my URRT at Flight Research. Our training together included incredibly eye-opening demonstrations of wing loading, AOA, and the related flight dynamics using the Sabreliner – a business jet made for the United States Air Force (USAF) in response to its Utility Trainer Experimental (UTX) program. The Sabreliner closely resembles the HondaJet in class and size, but it is certified for more extreme maneuvers. It is an excellent tool for training for HondaJet pilots outside of the envelope of the HA-420.

My HondaJet Adventures